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2016-05-28 09:58   审核人:



加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,简称UBC)是一所世界级顶尖研究型大学,它庞大而又秀丽,坐落于风光如画的温哥华市。UBC是不列颠哥伦比亚省历史最悠久的大学,与多伦多大学,麦吉尔大学并称加拿大大学“三强”,在经历了百余年的长足发展后,逐渐成为蜚声全球的综合性大学,在加拿大国内的排名中始终保持前三名之列,世界排名保持在35名以内。UBC于1908年由麦吉尔大学合作创校,主要有两个校区,温哥华BC校区(总校区)和奥肯纳根校区。

新濠天地xhtd008与UBC进行合作,开展2016年英属哥伦比亚大学暑期海外课堂项目。UBC海外课堂(Vancouver Summer Program)是英属哥伦比亚大学与其合作大学开展的由UBC各院系提供专业课程,为期四周的游学项目。学生参加两种学术课程的同时,还可以零距离体验加拿大风土人情和传统文化,与来自不同国家和地区的学生朋友学习和交流,体验前所未有的精彩。


   Study at a world-renowned university


  Meet students from other universities and Canadian through socio-cultural activities  


   Improve your English skills


   Learn about Canadian culture and society



   1  海外课堂根据不同的专业,划分不同的课程包,在一些专业领域内,有多个课程包可供选择。

   2  学生应当从课程包列表中选择两个课程包作为学习的领域。

   3  每个课程包有最大和最小人数限制,当某课程包达不到最小人数,或者超过最大人数时,会征求学生的意见调换其它专业课程包。

   4  每一个课程包包含39课时。教学为互动式的,包含小组活动和讨论。


Applied Science  应用科学领域

Civil Engineering  

Civil Engineering Materials

Project Based Learning in Civil Engineering Materials

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Communication Systems: Technology Embedded in Daily Life

Introduction to Digital Systems Design with FPGAs

Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Urban Design

Sustainability by Design: The Design of the North American Sustainable City and its Implications for the World

Perspectives on the Development of the City of Vancouver

Designing, Fabricating, and Building with Wood

Understanding Wood as a Building Material

Designing and Making with Wood

Arts  人文科学领域

Package A –The World of Manga and Anime: From Writing to Theory

Manga and Anime in the World

Writing for Graphic Forms: Manga

Package B –Global Journalism, Culture and Communications: Practice and Principles

Culture and Communication

Global Journalism

Package C –The English Language: A Deeper Perspective

Origin and Variation of the English Language

Language Universals and the Structure of English

Package D –International Trade, Financial Markets and Politics

International Trade and Financial Markets

Dynamics of International Politics

Package E –Environmental Economics & Introduction to Geographic Information System (GIS) for Impact Assessment

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Environmental Impact Assessment

Environmental Economics

Package F –Asia in the World

Security for Asian States and Peoples

China in the World

Business  商科领域

Package A –International Business and International Marketing

International Business Management

International Marketing

Package B –Introduction to Marketing and Organizational Behaviour

Introduction to Marketing

Organizational Behaviour and Management

Package C –Strategic Management and New Enterprise Development

Strategic Management

New Enterprise Development

Education    教育学领域

Package A –Educational Psychology and Special Education

Classroom Management

Assessment and Positive Behaviour Support in School and Community Settings

Package B –Language Learning and Teaching in the World

Language Practices in Multilingual Contexts

Strategic Language Use in a Globalized World

Package C –Early Childhood Education and Development

Designing High Quality Programs in Early Childhood Settings

Creating Environments to Support Learning in Early Childhood Settings

Land and Food Systems 土地与食品体系

Package A –Food Science and Safety

Introduction to Food Science

Food Safety and Food Safety Management

Package B –Agribusiness Management

Food and Agribusiness Enterprise Management

Food and Agribusiness Marketing Management

Package C –Nutritional Science

Essentials of Nutrition

Healthy Eating –The Canadian Way

Package D –The Science and Art of Fermentation



Law    法律领域

International Business and the Common Law Lab



















   3   境外意外险,医疗险

   4   UBC学费与住宿费,以及UBC组织的相关活动费用

   5   接机费(加拿大当地机场至学校)

   6   学习期间的教材,讲义以及学习结束的证书费用


   1   用餐费用,学生可前往大学学生食堂用餐或在宿舍厨房作饭。

   2   洗衣、理发、电话、饮料、烟酒、付费电视、行李搬运等私人费用。

   3   护照费、学生从各地到北京的费用、在加拿大期间当地通讯费。

   4   超重行李,海关征税等其他额外需要自理的费用


   1 如报名缴费后,如果因为选择的课程包因为未达到最低人数或者超过最高人数,对UBC推荐调整的其他课程包不满意,则全额退还费用。

   2 报名缴费后,已成功被选定的课程包录取,但签证未予通过,则全额退还费用。

   3 如报名缴费后,已成功被选定的课程包录取,还没有获得加拿大签证,但因自身原因放弃参加,则需视项目已发生的费用情况,航空公司与UBC的规则,协调退还机票差价和UBC学费差价,保险以及签证差价等。具体情况按照所预定的航空公司机票规则和UBC学费退费规则执行。

   4 如报名缴费后,已成功被选定的课程包录取,已获得加拿大签证,则只能按照航空公司的规定退还机票差价,在此阶段,其他费用均已发生且无法退还。

   5 因为UBC会根据报名人数确定课程包的开设情况,如果报名缴费后退报名,则有可能会连带已报名某课程包的同学因无法达到课程包要求的最低人数从而无法开班,所以务必在报名时务必和家人等确定好报名意愿,以免带来不必要的调整和损失。



地址:新濠天地xhtd008航天城校区 北京市海淀区永丰高科技园区 邮编:100094